June 2023 Vedic Astrology Forecast

June has a slow and restoring energy, with fundamental changes and a turning point in our lives.

Rahu and Jupiter will be slowly separating from each other. This was the major energy towards the end of May in the sign of Aries. We will see some relief and resolution from the excitement or chaos of that conjunction in the beginning of the month.

Mercury is moving directly and away from this major conjunction. Expect movement in all stuck things. We can move on plans, contracts, mergers and just communication in general should be more clear and easier. 

We have the full moon in the beginning of the month followed by the new moon in the middle of the month. For more on the Lunar Cycle Updates follow us on @dr.kavitaberi on instagram and Youtube: Dr Kavita Beri MD.

I feel more comfortable marking down the dates where we can expect some movement in different areas of our lives. This usually is the time when transiting planets change signs or nakshatras ( lunar mansions) - we feel a shift in energies, internally in the microcosm and externally in macrocosm. The way we think about things changes, and the way we react to situations change with this energy shift.

Here are some important dates: 

June 1st- Venus enters Cancer: 

I follow Venus closely across the zodiac, as this planet of beauty, love and all things of pleasure affects our interpersonal relationships the most.

This month we see Venus, the female of the zodiac with Mars the masculine of the zodiac. This can trigger emotional connectivity in old relationships, new ones and perhaps a time to be emotionally expressive in these connections. Towards the end of month, it could be rocky in such matters, as Mars crosses over the Cancer gandanta into Leo, where emotions could get heated and fired up. 

June 4rth : Full Moon in Scorpio, 19 degrees in Jyeshta Nakshatra

The Full moon this time in Scorpio is intense, it commands us to transform not by expressing but allowing and observing the 3D changes. By not reacting but receiving the transformative revelations are an opportunity to mature and grow. 

June 5th: Neptune in Uttara BhadraPada Nakshatra

Neptune a dreamy spiritual out planet is cruising through Pisces where it will be for the next decade, a mature zodiac and a spiritual planet in the zodiac of dreams Pisces, expect to have more downloads in our dreams and here is why having a dream journal is so important

June 7th Mercury enter Taurus

Mercury escapes the clutches of the Rahu Jupiter conjunction in aries, and the heavy aspect of Saturn and finally moves into the earthy sign of Taurus. More concrete communication is to be expected in terms of monetary transactions, deals and contracts while it transits this sign.

June 15th Sun enters Gemini 

The sun enters the airy sign of Gemini, which will help us see a situation from two sides, it will shed light on the duality, while short distance travel and trips might become the theme of the end of this month. Our souls would seek this travel as the Sun transits the natural third house. It is also a time of self expression and soul expression, being authentic and being at peace with our own inner duality. 

June 18 New Moon in Gemini at 2 degrees of Mrigashira Nakshatra.

The New Moon brings to us the conjunction of the Sun and Moon in a nakshatra of the eternal search for the truth- Mrigashira, I feel the energies around the new moon, and the beginning of the summer the Solstice will have us looking forward to that new change in life, the chapters that were put to close over the full moon, will now be of the past and we can look towards a new luna period of exploration, travel, new experiences.

June 18th: Saturn retrograde @ 13 degrees of Aquarius

Saturn this heavy Karmic planet will be stationing around these degrees so If you have any planets around these degrees make sure to expect some major transition, I will not call it upheaval- but I would say the Saturnian energies can be Karmic, evolving and teaching us how to make amends even with the things that are difficult. Pulling it out the depths of our mind and emotions presenting it infront of us so we can then resolve the issues. 

Specially a retrograde Saturn is a time of reflection.

June 21 Jupiter enters Bharani Nakshatra

The summer solstice is the time when Jupiter moves into this Nakshatra of “new birth” in the sign of Aries, away from the clutches of rahu, where it can be free to express its benefic effects.

A “full speed” ahead for the summer, with Jupiter finally feeling more like itself in initiating new projects and expanding existing ones.

June 24rth Mercury enters gemini:

Mercury will leave the earthy energy to feel more at home its own sign of Gemini, along with the Sun in Gemini, travel will highlight the end of the month, self expression and being able to feel the lightness in our step !

June 30th Mars in Gandanta

Well I would highlight this at the end of June, as Mars, the planet of passion, fire and action, does not particularly like being in the deepest degrees of a watery zodiac, where it feels like it is drowning. This gandanta point can be heavy in energy emotionally, we might have to curtail the anger, frustration or outburst just until Mars crosses over into Leo.

If you would like to know more about your specific chart, or you want to understand how to follow your own Vedic Astrology birth chart with these transit updates, please visit us online for a personalized consultation on how to understand your own birth chart.  

Dr Beri.


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