January 2022: Astrological Overview

The most fascinating thing about Astrology is that we can use celestial events and universal power to plan and implement our desires, goals and organize ourselves based on the energies around us.

2022 numerologically adds up to the number 6. To me, 6 is the 6th chakra. The third eye. The power of intuition and our higher insight to things around us. The 6th chakra is represented also by the Planet Venus. The beauty of all things. 
Venus represents luxuries, travel, abundance, indulgence, romance and all things of the 5 senses. But she by herself the planet in which divine feminine energy reaches its peak, is above the 5 senses. She is a Goddess with a higher vision of beauty through love and the perception of love in all things.

The year starts off with the beautiful planet of Venus in retrograde, (which happens every 2 years) in the constellation of Sagittarius. We all can see the energies being exactly that. There is a delay in all things that Venus has an influence on. The emphasis being relationships, love, and things of luxury like vacation travel. 

As the month progresses, we hit another celestial body, Mercury making itself slower and then traveling retrograde. We are all aware of the effects and chaos of Mercury Retrograde dealing with electronics, travel and trade contracts. During this time, consider checking twice all documents, electronics and decisions relating to trade and travel.  With two heavenly bodies in a retrograde motion, it calls for us to use this time in reflection. It is ok to allow this slow movement in our realities as it is in flow with what nature has in store. If we connect with the eb and flow of the universe, our energies merge with it, and manifestation comes from a place of “allowing” rather than “forcing”.

Venus retrogrades in Sagittarius according to Sidereal vedic calculations, and Mercury will retrograde in Capricorn. Mercury Retrograde starting Jan 14th lasting whereas Venusian energies retrograde until Jan 29th and the first cycle of Mercury retrograde ends Feb 3 2022. 

With Venus, personal relationships are likely to intensify during this retrograde as it travels through the sector of your chart that governs deep bonds. With the planet of love moving backward depending on which house sagittarius is for you that area is affected most. The ascendent signs, and moon signs of Taurus, and Libra that are governed by Venus also are affected intensely during the retrograde. 

For Mercury retrograde, The ascendent and moon signs of Gemini and Virgo are intensely affected. Since Capricorn deals with Government, Stocks and trade, we will see the energies affecting those arenas during the month of Jan. 

Since these planetary celestial bodies are in constant motion, nothing is stagnant forever. Once the retrograde cycles are over, the energies once again move in forward motion. 

I always choose to see the silver lining in things that bring chaos. I believe there lies opportunity in all things that seem to delay us from our immediate gratification.

 This retrograde cycle calls for us to have the “Higher Vision”, and insight.

 We need that birds eye view of the chaos. Rise above it all and see it with eyes of love.

One of my favorite affirmations during times of retrograde: I allow the universal energies to navigate my day to day. I am grateful that I flow with celestial energies in complete harmony and peace.

Dr Beri.


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