How to Moisturize Vata Skin Type naturally

During winter your whole body may be bundled up tight while going outdoors, but your face is exposed at least to some degree. This can lead to chapped, dried skin, as atmospheric humidity will also be lower during winter. The indoor heating systems can also cause drying of the skin. All these factors point to one common remedy—staying moisturized.

Skin is the human body’s largest organ and requires regular attention to stay young, blemish-free, and healthy. Daily moisturizing is vital for skin health. In order to keep your skin smooth and supple, moisturizers are perfect solutions. In this perspective article I will be explaining the natural ways to keep Vata skin moisturized internally and externally.

Generally, people with Vata skin type will be more likely to experience dryness, dehydration, as well as a thin, delicate texture and fine pores. Your skin will be predisposed to symptoms of early aging, which is made worse by mental stress such as worry, fear, and lack of sleep.

The most important times to use moisturizer are after a bath, shave or exfoliation. A basic moisturizer recipe can help ease the Vata dryness symptoms at home.

You will need the following:

  • 2 tbsp. Aloe Vera gel

  • 4 tbsp. Oil (You can choose coconut oil)

  • 2 tbsp. Cocoa butter

  • 2 drops of essential oil (Rose, Orange or Jasmine for Vata skin types)

  • 4 tbsp. Floral water

1. In a pan, heat coconut oil (or oil of choice) and cocoa butter together. You just need to warm the mixture, do not boil.

2. In another pan, heat aloe gel and floral water. Make sure both the mixtures are the same temperature.

3. Combine the contents in both pans together to make a cream. Blend it with 2 drops of essential oil until smooth and creamy. Store in an airtight jar and apply after shower.

Sesame oil and jojoba oil are the most highly recommended moisturizers for Vata skin because of their heavy texture and ultra-nourishing properties. You can replace coconut oil with sesame or jojoba oil if you like.


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