February 2024 Vedic Astrology

February 2024 Vedic Astrology Forecast

2024 is starting this month!!. Jan has been a slow steady month, but this coming of Feb expects some serious acceleration to all aspects of life. The start of the Chinese New year, and the year of the Water Dragon! starts with a bang!

We start the month with movement of the major planets in director motion, now all planets are moving direct for next three months.

We see some big shifts for the sign of Capricorn as there will be a stellium of planets in this sign for a good part of the month. Mercury, Mars, Venus, with Sun also in Capricorn in the first half and all these planets eventually conjoining with slow moving but dynamic change planet of Pluto in this sign. Expect some sudden big leaps in different areas of your life that houses Capricorn


We also have the new moon in Capricorn and the Full Moon In Leo towards the end of the month, this Lunar cycle expect it to have all the ups and downs of passion, envy, lust and romance, as we see Venus and Mars coming together this month in Capricorn, becoming conjunct in a planetary was around Feb 22.


Capricorn being a sign of authority, structure, business, and government, expect changes in those aspects in the macrocosm. In the individual microcosm, depending on which house Capricorn represents for you the planetary alignment here will pull our attention to the matters of this house.


Numerologically Feb is No2: collaboration in our partners and friends and seeking harmony.

Faith and togetherness. Use these energies to smoothly glide through the ups and down.


Some Important dates this month:



1 Feb: Mercury enters Capricorn: Expect structured communication and practical. Focus on work trading and business goals.


3rd Feb: Jupiter enters Bharani Nakshatra of Venus: The birthing of a new blessing with a positive influence of Jupiter as it moves direct in the sign of Aries, influencing Leo, libra and Sagittarius zodiacs the most. Expect some results and outcomes from the last 2 months come forth during this month. Major transformations, or a new start is expected


5th Feb: Mercury will conjunct Pluto, with Mars enters its sign of exaltation of Capricorn: Expect changes in how you communicate. Mars is here to bring some major changes in areas of work, home, and all structures that ground you.

This impacts our action, expect to be disciplined, focused and grounded in our approach


9th Feb New moon in Dhanistha Nakshatra with moon, sun and Mars all being in the same sign of Capricorn with Moon at 24-26tdegrees.  This is significant as this in the midpoint between the nodes. Saturn is second from this new moon. Expect some concentrated impact of Saturn’s energy.




12th Feb Venus is in Capricorn and Sun conjuncts Saturn making it combust Venus approaches Mars as thing might get steamy, passionate and emotional around Valentine’s Day

We take a more practical approach towards relationships in matters of the heart.


13 Feb Sun enters Aquarius: original ideas, with unconventional approach is explored. Inner struggles with authority, or sense of limitations, with Sun and Saturn being in the same sign.



17th Feb Venus conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn: Venus will be strong but expect transformations in all things Venus represents in your chart, specifically in the area of money and heart.



20th Feb, Mercury enters Aquarius and Mars conjuncts Venus in Capricorn: expect creative thinking. A strong desire in for recognition in matters of love and work


24rth Feb: full Moon in Leo: a sense of completion within the sign of Leo, depending on what house Leo is for your chart.

Magha is the throne, take charge and of the situation with some authority


27th Feb Mars has 4rth aspect on Jupiter: Avoid controversial conversations and arguments


28th Feb sun and Mercury conjunct Saturn. Be thoughtful organized and mindful in your actions and thinking.



No matter what situations come forth this month, staying practical, grounded and mindful will be your best ally. Thinking about a collective good, above yours will save from any confrontational situations and avoiding clashes from higher ups will help in keep things in flow despite the turbulence this month.


In all finally the new year will feel like it has started !.


Happy V day!.


Dr B.


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