Feb 2022 Astrological overview, Vedic Astrology

February is truly an exciting month where there are many planetary energies in the sky. Taking a good look at all the activities happening this month will help us prepare to handle the shifts in the sky and allow for a more harmonious flow of energy within our own realities.

 We see Mercury, the planet of communication, starting to move forward again after a 3 week retrograde period bringing an end to delays and setbacks. This happens just as we enter the first of the month, also marking the beginning of the Chinese new year, the Year Of the Water Tiger. We are leaving behind the year of the Ox, in 2021 which was more about staying in hermit more, waiting, thinking , contemplating, to now in the Year of the water tiger moving forward to all we set our hearts on. The first of February also marks the new moon in the Nakshatra of Shravana. 

A nakshatra that is all about listening for the truth and receiving through listening to others. 

The new moon in the start of the powerful new year of the Water Tiger is a perfect time to write down some healthy intentions and create a space on which we can use the rest of the years planetary energies to take action.  

A month of valentine's day celebrated across the globe, the two planets of feminine and masculine energies, Venus and Mars, come into an interesting dance in the middle of the month. We see Venus, which had been retrograde for most of Jan finally starting to move directly in the sign of Sagittarius, followed by Mars joining it in what is termed as a “Planetary war” until Mach 14. It is said that Venus wins the war, however this energy of the feminine and masculine sides of us trying to keep balance will be felt internally as well as externally in our realities. This might sound as a tensed energy, however not all confrontations need to be difficult, certain confrontations become necessary to bring about clarity and clearing of energy. 

Venus represents relationships, wealth, assets so the changes can be felt in all these areas. This can no doubt be reflected in interpersonal relationships, work etc. Knowing the planets are at work in helping us clear the air, use it wisely. Giving ourselves the time to pause and analyze and look at things from a fresh perspective will help in making rational choices, keeping ourselves above emotions ( venusian energy) and Anger/ passion ( martian energy).

We are still in KalaSarpa yoga until the end of april, a Yoga that is formed with all planets on one side of the North and South node of the moon. This is in all effects are times where trials and tribulations on a collective level help in awakening mass consciousness. We do experience this at an individual level based on our level of awareness. This is a great time to practice in more disciplined mindful practices like Yoga and Meditation as it will guide and calm our minds to be more receptive to learning from our experience rather than reactivating it. 

On February 4rth we see the Saturn Sun conjunction; this can be a time one feels frustration and anger, so be aware of this energy , and use grounding techniques to help you through this conjunction. 

Towards the end of this month we will see a stellium planet lined up in two zodiacs, Capricorn and Aquarius. Both signs being under the sign of Saturn, a strong Satrnian energy grounds us to our own Karmic cycles, with the collective taking a deeper look at all actions and reactions of the past and present at a grader scale. Individually this Saturnian energy that is more about Karma, the law of cause and effect is working on our realities. This  will affect us depending on which house Capricorn and Saturn are in your individual charts. 

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