‌FavoriteUpper‌ ‌Body‌ ‌Workouts?‌


Why should you start working out? Well, the answer to that can be very complicated or pretty simple. The answer that I would give you is that, people want to want to become healthier and get a better physique. To train our body, people usually focus on 6 different groups. These groups include chest, shoulder, core, back, arms, and legs. Before we do start to talk about the workouts, you must understand the importance of working out. The first things you should know when you start to work out, are the different that you will be working out in your upper body.  A couple of the muscles that you might be working out are the biceps, triceps, deltoids, lats, and traps. Now that you know what muscles you are working, you now need to know how to prepare your body.  A couple of ways that you can take care of your body, is feed yourself properly, stretch before and after a workout, and maintain proper form during a workout. After absorbing all this information, it is now time to start our upper body workouts.

Arm Workouts

When you workout your arms, you are going to want to focus on a couple of muscles. We will start on our biceps. To work out our biceps we will focus on two workouts. For the long head of the bicep we will perform the incline dumbbell curl. To perform an incline dumbbell curl, you will need to sit on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand, at arm's length at each side. Keep the upper arm still, and curl the weight  with a wide range of motion. This is a great exercise that isolates the long head of your bicep, and pushes you to exert more force. The second exercise that we will work on is the preacher curl. Rather than a full replacement for the standard bicep curl, the preacher curl is another variation to do along with the bicep curl. To start, sit on the preacher machine, and move far enough so that  your upper arm is extended all the way down. Now with the weights in your hands facing upward, curl the weight. Remember to have your feet planted, and a stable upper body.  The last workout that we will be seeing for the upper arm is the pull up bar hang. With this simple workout you can create endurance and strengthen your forearm muscles. All three of these workouts are great, but remember that to truly strengthen yourself, you have to perform other workouts as well. 

Chest and Back

The first workout that we will perform will be for the chest. The Incline Dumbbell Bench Press, allows for the  bulk of your chest muscles, and activates more stabilizing muscles. So, to execute this exercise you will need two dumbbells, and a bench with an incline. With your bench at a 45 degree angle, sit back with weights. Now with your palms facing towards the ceiling, push the weights for reps. To do our shoulder exercise we will do the Dumbbell Overhead Shoulder Press. This is a pretty simple exercise, and to complete it we will need a bench and two dumbbells. Now, to start sitting on the bench with your feet shoulder width apart, and sit with the dumbbells on both hands. With the dumbbells held at shoulder level, push up with your back straight. Hold the position and repeat. The third exercise is the simple push up. With this exercise you can focus on arms, chests, and shoulders, while firing your stabilizing muscles. These three workouts are great to add to your routine, and will work well with many other workouts.

Back and Core

The next exercise that we will do is my favorite back workout. The lat pulldown is an exercise that is performed with the use of the lat pulldown machine. To begin, sit on the seat and adjust it so that there is minimal room for movement at the thigh. Now grip the bar with a wide stance and pull the bar down, while retracting your shoulders and facing forward. This is a great exercise for the latissimus dorsi muscle, and can help improve the traditional pull-up. The second exercise that we will do, is more a set of exercises. We will start with flutter kicks, then sit up with elbow to knee twists, scissor kicks, and russian twists. To complete the flutter kick you will lay back and keep the hands to your sides, or underneath your back. Now with your lower back on the ground, you will lift your legs off the ground with one higher than the other. Now alternate legs while holding at the top for a couple seconds. The next exercise is the elbow to knee twists. To complete this you will lay on the ground and sit up. You will bring your legs off the ground so that your shins are parallel from it. Now with your hands interlocked behind your head, bring your right elbow to your left knee, and left elbow to your right knee. Now for the scissor kicks you will keep the same position as the flutter kicks, but this time you will move your legs on a horizontal plane, with your legs crossing over and under each other. For the last workout you will keep your body in a v sit up position and twist your body in both directions. This will get your obliques working and allow for a full range of motion in your abdominal muscles.

Finished the Favorites

Now that you know my favorite upper body workouts, you should know how to stay safe and maintain your body. Knowing what your body needs is of the utmost importance, and if your body is telling you something, then it is best to heed its call. Feeding your body to get energy is always necessary. Doing this will let you get the proper energy required to move forward in your workouts. Another important factor is your hydration. Your body is around 60 percent of water, and maintaining that is necessary for your health. The third thing that I will stress to you is relaxing your muscles. Taking both cold and hot showers and investing in a muscle roller would be great to make sure that you can get up the next morning and stay completely rejuvenated. Following these tips can be so helpful in your next workout, and now it's time to add a new twist to your workouts.


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