Dinner ideas as per Ayurveda

Dinner is a gentle meal as per Ayurveda. The dietary rules of Ayurveda stick to the fact that a healthy individual can have three meals in a day. Among these, the dinner/supper should be the small one. ‘Eat Supper like a pauper’

Dinner should be light, easily digestible, a small meal of the day. And it should be taken at early hours of the night, between 6.00 and 7.30 pm.

What are the best choices for a healthy homely dinner?

1. A plate of steamed above-ground vegetables. These are nonstarchy vegetables like kale, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cucumber, asparagus, etc. Tubers such as sweet potatoes are acceptable. Avoid potatoes, beets, carrots, and corn. Remember to choose the vegetable according to your Dosha. For example, a Vata person can have a plate of baked and buttered sweet potatoes and green beans. A Pitta person can favor asparagus, cucumbers, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables, pumpkins, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, okra, lettuce, green beans, and zucchini. A Kapha person can have sautéed cabbage or diced tomatoes.

2. A plate of seasonal fruits with a pinch of cinnamon-like apples, pears, apricots, cherries, etc for Pitta. Cantaloupe, peaches, dates, coconut, etc for Vata. Mango, peaches, persimmon, dry fruits like figs for Kapha.

3. A small bowl of cooked rice or any other grain with lentils according to Dosha. For example quinoa or basmati white rice for Pitta. Or cooked moong beans with grated coconut for Pitta. Wheat, all types of rice, quinoa, or oats for Vata. Oats, millet, quinoa, basmati, etc for Kapha.

4. A bowl of light soup like black-eyed peas soup or moong Dal soup for Kapha. A bowl of moong dal or toor dal soup for Vata. In the case of Pitta, If given a choice between a soupy, liquidy meal and one that is denser and drier, go for the latter. Have cooked or mashed dal than soup.

Make sure you eat fewer carbohydrates approximately 45 g for dinner. For this make the plate half-filled with cooked veggies, a quarter with whole grains and lentils, a quarter with protein - like eggs, chicken, or soy protein. Avoid red meat since it’s hard and difficult for digestion.

Drink a cup of warm milk with turmeric or saffron before bedtime. Dinner and cup of milk should have at least 45 minutes gap. If you have milk allergies, can substitute with almond milk or soy milk.

Dinner Recipes -

For Vata -

Sweet potato Latke -


1. 1 lb sweet potatoes, peeled and coarsely grated

2. 2 scallions, finely chopped

3. 1/3 cup whole wheat flour

4. 2 large eggs, lightly beaten

5.1 teaspoon salt

6. 1/2 teaspoon black pepper

7. 2 tbsp ghee

Method of preparation-

Stir together potatoes, scallions, flour, eggs, salt, and pepper. Heat ghee in a skillet, pour latke mixture in a ladle and reduce heat to medium. Cook until golden about 1 1/2 minutes in each side. Transfer to paper towels and enjoy warm.

NB - vegans can avoid eggs and add a 1/4 Cup of buttermilk instead.

For Pitta -

Quinoa bowl with Veggies Ingredients-

1. 2 Cups cooked quinoa

2. 1/4 tsp pepper

3. Mint leaves and coriander leaves - few

4. Pumpkin - 1/4 Cup

5. Broccoli - 1/4 Cup

6. Ghee - 1 tsp

7. Cumin seeds - few

Your choice of Pitta pacifying veggies can be added

Method of preparation-

Heat ghee in a pan and splutter cumin seeds. Add the veggies and sauté until cooked. Add pepper, mint leaves and coriander leaves. Finally add cooked quinoa. Serve warm.

For Kapha -

Lentil veggie soup

Lentil soup is a healthy and very satisfying dish. Especially for Kapha persons, since they get full easily with this. And light for digestion and assimilation.


1/2 cup lentils (masoor dal)

1 cup of carrots, sliced in 1/2 inch pieces

1/2 cup of green string beans, sliced ½ inch pieces

1 cup of celery, sliced into ½ inch pieces

3 medium-size tomatoes cut into 8 pieces

About ½ inch ginger thin sliced

1½ teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon turmeric (Haldi)

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

Method of preparation- Wash lentils and soak in 2 cups of water for 1 hour.Heat 4 cups of water in a pressure cooker on medium-high heat. Next add soaked lentils, salt, turmeric, black pepper, ginger, carrots, green beans, celery, and tomatoes. Close the lid. As the pressure cooker starts steaming turn the heat down to medium and cook for about 6 minutes. Turn off the heat and wait until steam has stopped before opening the pressure cooker. Mix dal well, if dal is thick add more boiling water and make the consistency as you desire. The soup should be chunky.


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