Benefits of Corn


Corn or maize is one of the most popular cereals in the world and forms the staple food in many countries, including the United States and many African countries. In Ayurveda corn has certain properties which make it beneficial for certain body types.

Nutritional Benefits of Corn

Corn not only provides the necessary calories for healthy, daily metabolism, but it’s also a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E and many minerals. Its high fiber content ensures that it plays a significant role in the prevention of digestive ailments like constipation and hemorrhoids as well as colorectal cancer. The antioxidants present in corn also act as an anti-carcinogenic agent and prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

According To Ayurveda Corn…

Corn pacifies vitiated Kapha and Pitta dosha. It’s useful for general debility, anorexia, hemorrhoids and emaciation. The ability to pacify Pitta makes it an ideal summer food. It nourishes the Rasa Dhatu (plasma) and is known for reducing water retention and blood pressure. It is found efficacious in frequent urination and for difficulty in passing urine in prostate disorders.

Home Remedies Using Corn And Corn Silk

  • Burnt and powdered corn silk is recommended for bleeding piles and metrorrhagia (irregular uterine bleeding).

  • Powdered corn silk with salt is good for cough.

  • Consumption of corn in ordinary amounts of 1-2 cups has been shown to be associated with better blood sugar control in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

  • Water boiled with corn silk, can be strained and sipped in cases of burning micturition.


Corn Recipes


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