5 Ways to make your skin glow

Skin is the largest organ in the human body and it requires constant care and pampering to glow and stay healthy. Let’s look at some ways to improve the skin glow naturally through food and regimen. 

  1. Overall eating pattern is very much important to maintain a healthy glow. Remember to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Also cut down on sugar and salt, and choose whole foods over processed ones.

  2. Water is an easy way to give your skin a healthy glow, especially if you’re prone to dry skin. There is no set advice on how much to drink in a day. You’ll get some water from food. Watermelon, cucumbers, and celery all have high water content. 

  3. Practice Yoga. Yoga makes your mind more active and open, but it also enables you to get a good, toned body. Also, this increases the flow of the blood and flushes out our body toxins. 

  4. Get a good night's sleep. Sleep deprivation can result in decrease in blood to the skin surrounding your face. Always remove the makeup and follow a gentle night time routine before going to bed. 

  5. Pamper your skin at least once a week. Get a quick skin massage with your favorite serum or apply turmeric mask/ any of your to go mask. Exfoliate and moisturize your skin frequently.


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