Natural approach to dark circles

Along with healthy eyes, everybody wishes for a beautiful eye. The beauty of eyes is described by all poets and writers as the doorway to heart and place where love resides. Eye is the most important element to show the feelings of the people. If you are born with a beautiful eye, that would be fantastic, but still ample care must be taken to keep the eyes beautiful. The signs of ageing, tiredness, sleep deprived everything is seen in the eyes first.

Dark circles under the eyes are a common complaint of both men and women, although they can occasionally be seen in children.

What are the causes for those pesky dark circles? Is it just the tiredness due to lack of sleep or are there any underlying causes? Let’s have a quick look at the major causes of dark circles beneath the eyes.

• Hereditary Conditions – People with Mediterranean backgrounds are more affected by dark circles

• Eczema or skin allergies – Though this is not the direct cause, due to itching if you continuously rub the eye region it can trigger inflammation and redness and can give broken blood vessels leading to dark eyes.

• Cosmetic allergies

• Sun damage

• Fluid imbalance or local swelling

In most cases, dark circles under the eyes are not a sign of a serious medical condition.

Ayurvedic perspective of dark circles

In Ayurvedic perspective dark circles are due to aggravated Vata dosha. As age advances there will be a predominance of Vata in the body. In old age there is depletion of the subcutaneous fat tissues and thinning of the skin under the eyes that causes darkening of the skin of that area. Intake of food that are dry, and use of processed foods can aggravate Vata in the body. Excessive salt intake is often mentioned as the cause for fluid retention under the eyes result in puffy eyes and formation of dark circles.

Dietary tips for reducing dark circles and puffy eyes

1. Stay hydrated

2. Avoid excess salt intake

3. Avoid indulgence in cold drinks, tea, coffee, dry fruits and nuts / cold, dry food like bread. Also minimize the use of beans as it increases Vata dosha.

4. Include ghee in diet

5. Drink tomato juice mixed with some lemon juice and mint leaves in order to get rid of dark circles once in a day.

6. Avoid spicy, astringent and bitter foods.

Home Remedies for Dark circles

• Apply a cotton pad dipped in rose water 10 minutes prior to sleep.

• Apply little almond oil on your dark circles and massage gently. Just leave it overnight and wash it next morning. Almond oil is rich in antioxidative properties, and is known for protecting skin against UV radiation damage and keeping skin soft and supple.

• If you have the habit of using electronic gadgets for long hours, refrigerate used green tea bags and keep them as cold pack for eyes.

• Mix some orange juice with a few drops of glycerin and apply this mixture over the dark circles. This gives a natural glow to your eyes.

• crush a few mint leaves with cucumber juice, forming a paste, and apply on the dark circles. Leave for 10 minutes and wash with cold water. Do this continuously for few weeks and see the difference.

Ayurveda Medications

• Regular application of Kumkumadi thaila under eyes helps in removing Dark circles.

• Use Triphala eye wash once in a week for removing tiredness and puffy eyes.

• Intake Triphala ghee – 1 tbsp every night at bedtime for improved eye health.

• If you have difficulty sleeping at night, take ashwagandha choorna with warm milk to ensure good sleep.

• Practice yoga and meditation.

In addition, always use quality cosmetics for eye makeup, and remove make up before going to bed. Get proper sleep at least 6 hours in a day. Include plenty of vegetables and proteins in your diet. Exercise and eat your water, means have plenty of water every day. Prioritize sun protection.

Keep in mind that there is no miraculous cure for dark eyes. With proper diet, regimen and care you can minimize or prevent the dark circles and puffy eyes. Always try to understand the root cause and act wisely.


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