June 2024 Vedic Astrology

June 2024 Astrological Highlights

June 2024 Vedic Astrology

In the beginning of June we see a major shift. as Mars moves from Pisces into the sign of Aries it's an exalted sign and then we have Uranus moving into Taurus for its 7-year cycle. we will see a lot of planets in the sign of Taurus. so if Taurus is your ascendant or your moon sign a lot will be happening this month for you.

 This will be the same for the sign of Scorpio as all these planets in Taurus will be aspecting Scorpio with its 7th aspect. so if you have an ascendant moon or an important planet in Scorpio you will be experiencing these effects as well.

 Starting with the planet Venus, the planet of love and relationships, it is comfortable in the sign of Taurus however we do see it combust with the Sun making  most of its Transit this month very close to Venus. it might seem overbearing and Rendezvous might not seem as romantic. This is due to the combustion of the planet with the sun. There might be issues with ego between partners in business or in love relationships.

On June 3rd we see the planet Mercury and Jupiter coming together in Taurus which is called the planetary War when two planets come to the same degree . this is a good day to make business decisions and important legal decisions as both these planets will be able to focus on ethical business and improving communication. 

The shift of Uranus into Taurus is very significant for many reasons. Taurus is the sign of stability; it likes security and certainty. Uranus is the planet of surprises, unexpected events and sudden bolt-like activity. This adds an interesting shift to the energies in this particular zodiac.  Uranus being an outer slow-moving Planet only transits every 84 years back to the same sign. So the time period where Uranus was in Taurus 84 years ago was between 1940 and 1947 which happens to be the time of World War ii. could this mean that this is a time where there will be a lot of tension between countries, it is already evident that there is geopolitical tension and there is always a chance things could escalate.

Saturn is sitting in the sign of Aquarius uninterrupted in its energy flow as now it is not under the influence of any other planet. it will turn retrograde towards the end of the month which is a very significant retrograde cycle for Saturn it will be retrograde from June 29th to November we will discuss the separately but usually the planet starts to slow down towards the end of June and that will definitely affect people that have planets around  25° of Aquarius or Leo. 

The sign of Scorpio is also under significant stress this month as it has the aspect of the six planets in Taurus as well as Saturn by its 10th aspect. because it has a combined aspect of Jupiter and Saturn that is very significant for a structural change that can happen in life career or relationships. 

Mars being in the sign of Aries is extremely powerful and suddenly has felt this release after leaving Pisces behind when it was under the influence of the North Node rahu and also far away from the grasp of Saturn on itself. you may feel a sudden Outburst of drive and energy to start a new project and to see it's through completion. Unfortunately Mars energy can also Express anger and violence and can shake things up so there's always caution that is advised in emotional situations.

Some important dates June 1st to July 13th Mars transit in Aries 

June 1st and 2nd Mars  crossing over to Aries from Pisces

 June 1st Uranus enters Taurus

 June 1st Sun Venus conjunct and Taurus at 17°

 June 3rd Mercury Jupiter planetary war in Taurus at 7°

 June 6th new moon with Sun Moon Venus and Taurus at 22°

 June 12th to July 6th Venus is in Gemini

 June 14th to June 29th mercury in Gemini

 June 21st full moon and Sagittarius at 7°

 June 29th to July 19th mercury in cancer

 June 29th to November 14th Saturn retrograde in Aquarius


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