Importance of chanting Mantras in Ayurveda


Mantras are vedic in origin. Ayurveda is considered as the upaveda or auxiliary knowledge of Atharva Veda. In Ayurveda, apart from herbal remedies for diseases, a Daivavyapashrayya treatment (magico-religious practices) is one of the important management measures. Mantra recitation is the part of it which is cited to enhance the healing. It is equally applicable in preventive and therapeutic aspects.

The word Mantra is a Sanskrit word and it contains two roots, ‘man’ which means to think and a suffix 'tra’ which means an instrument or tool. Literally, Mantra means a tool for thinking.

Ayurveda receives equal status of Mantra as it is being narrated at the advice of Atreya Rsis. ‘Rsi’ means saint, one who has perceived Mantras and has invented new theories or concepts and explained them in a new light.

Shabda (sound) is the very basic form of energy, which is also ever existent as Akasha (ether). Mantra affects not only on manas (Psyche) and Aatma (soul) but five sense organs are similarly involved in this process because these are the instruments through which waves of mantra reaching up to the sole and mind.

There are numerous references emphasizing Mantra recitation in Ayurveda.

  • When a child is born, Ayurveda advises to recite Mantra on the right ear of the newborn asking gods to protect him/her from evil spirits.

  • In the treatment of fever, Acharya charaka recommends the chanting of ‘Vishnu sahasra nama’ (thousand names of hindu diety – Lord Vishnu)

  • Before collection of herbal drugs mantras has to be chanted.

  • In the treatment of poisoning, Insanity and Epilepsy, chanting mantras has been described as a treatment.

These are only a few examples. In various places of the ancient classics role of mantras has been described and well defined.

The Vedas interpret that the vowels and consonants of Sanskrit as coming from the Damaru (drum) of Lord Siva. The individual letters of the Sanskrit alphabet are derived from the basic strands of energy vibrating at the central part of existence of human beings. The vibrations created by sound, thought and actions really do have an impact on inner self of human beings, as well as on environment and hence the universe. Mantra is letters of the Sanskrit alphabet and can create a positive, friendly and a healing effect.

A study conducted by C.R Karnick has shown that ‘in plants from the stage of seedling to the maturity’ are affected by certain types of sound waves, especially Mantras. Plants have shown positive response to these type of sound waves regarding their growth and efficacy in curing diseases.

Balancing your body’s frequency has tremendous health effects on the body. Practicing mindfulness, nature awareness and stillness helps you to find your balance. Same is the case with using vibrational cosmetics. It means turning your body in to the earths rhythm and finding your inner purpose and following your heart.

References –

Aparna Pravin Deshpande. Mantra (Incantations) - Divine remedial in Ayurveda. Ayurpharm Int J Ayur Alli Sci. 2014;3(3):61-72. 6. Effect of Mantras on Human beings and plants

Charaka Samhita, Part-1 (Charakachandrika Hindi commentary). Brahmananda Tripathi, Ganga sahay Pandey, editors. 1st ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashana; 2009. Sharirasthana, 8/46. p.967.

Charaka Samhita, Part-2 (Ayushi Hindi commentary). Harishchandrasinha Kushavaha, editor. 1st ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientaliya; 2009. Chikitsasthana, 3/312,313. p.134

Charaka samhita, Part-1, (Charakachandrika Hindi commentary). Brahmananda Tripathi, Ganga sahay Pandey, editors. 1st ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Surbharati Prakashana; 2009. Sharirsthana, 8/39. p.961.

Yoga Journal – For health conscious and living (December 1997- Issue 137)


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