How to include Magnesium in your diet?

Magnesium is popularly known as the ‘master mineral’. This is because Magnesium is involved with more or less 300 complex metabolic processes in our body. Many foods and vegetables have magnesium, but it is very hard to get the reference daily intake, which is 400 mg.  transportation of calcium across cell membranes. As such, it helps calcium get into the bone matter. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of Magnesium helps in keeping a lot of inflammatory diseases like Arthritis at bay. Magnesium deficiency can lead to the following signs and symptoms -

  1. Poor or diminished memory

  2. Confused speech or delirium

  3. Brittle bones 

  4. Frequent muscle cramps 

  5. High Blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes

This article discusses the food you can include in your diet to receive the necessary amount of Magnesium supplements. 

Five foods to include in diet for for Magnesium 

  • Seeds and Nuts - Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, Almonds, sesame seeds are all nutritional powerhouses of Magnesium.

  • Dark chocolate is rich in magnesium with 64 mg of it in 28-gram serving, that includes 16% of daily required amount. 

  • Avocados which are rich in fiber can reduce inflammation, improve cholesterol levels and Avocados provide 58 mg of Magnesium. 

  •  Bread and Dairy - Whole wheat bread containing bran and germ has twice the magnesium content as compared to white bread. Also, including yogurt and milk in your diet provides an adequate amount of Magnesium. 

  • Beans - Chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, white beans, black-eyed peas and French beans are magnesium-rich foods. 

Magnesium rich smoothie recipe for breakfast

Ingredients -

½ tsp. Cinnamon

2 whole dates 

2 C Full fat milk / replace with almond milk if you have lactose intolerance 

2 tbsp. Pumpkin seeds 

2 tbsp. Grated dark chocolate 

Method of preparation - 

Use a blender to puree all ingredients until smooth. Garnish with grated dark chocolate and sesame seeds. 

Article by - Arya Krishna


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