Beat the Heat: Simple Ayurvedic Tips for a Cooler Summer

As per Ayurveda, summer is the season of Pitta. So it is very important to remember to bring the Pitta dosha in balance .

And there are different ways to bring the Pitta in balance. A few popular methods are -

  • Consuming Green Vegetables

  • Including more alkaline foods in diet

  • More water rich foods and plenty of water

    The foods that can generally keep your Pitta on check or make your body cool include Melons, pears, apples, berries, prunes, plums and all green veggies like asparagus, spinach, brussel sprouts etc.

There are certain food items that produce heat in your body like citrus fruits, beets, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, salted cheese and sour cream etc. Avoid these and eat more fresh garden salads.

As important as the food you pick, the time you choose is also important to keep the Pitta in check. Eat only when you are properly hungry. Skipping lunch is not a great idea during summer because digestive fire is strongest during midday and if you skip food during this time of the day, Pitta can get aggravated.

  • Alway drink beverages at room temperature.

The ideal time to workout during summer season is in the morning. The idea behind working out in the morning is simple because the temperature at this time will be lower compared to other parts of the day.

If you are in the habit of using oil to cook, use oils like coconut, avocado oil and ghee in moderation.

Even though in Ayurveda principles one size doesn’t fit all, there are some herbs that are recommended in the classics for keeping the body calm. These are Amla, Guduchi, Yashtimadhu, Neem, Manjistha, Brahmi, Satavari and Avipattikar Churna etc.

The one recipe I always recommend during the summer season is Ayurvedic Buttermilk, also called as Takra. It is so simple to prepare. Blend together 1 cup of organic greek yoghurt, 2 cups of water, 1/2 tsp. roasted cumin seeds, Himalayan pink salt (to taste), 1/4 inch ginger piece together. Garnish with cilantro and mint leaves.

Other refreshing drinks are milk, rose water (sherbet) or rose milk, coconut water, hibiscus tea etc.

There are some yoga techniques that you can practice during the summer season. The most effective poses are straight legged and wide legged yoga poses.

  • Wide Legged Forward Bend - Prasarita Padottanasana - The benefits of this pose include Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and inner thighs. It also elongates the spinal support muscles. Improves your posture.

  • Staff Pose (Dandasana) - Staff Pose stretches the hamstrings and calves and improves spinal awareness.

    You can also practice Triangle, Wide-Angle Forward Fold, Bound Angle, Five-Pointed Star, Tree, and Happy Baby.

Summer skincare includes avoiding over exposure and If you must be outside during these times, wear a wide-brimmed hat and a good pair of sunglasses. Also use of jasmine, khus, or rose essential oil to a cool bath and soak for twenty minutes can act as an excellent summer skin moisturizer.

Another home remedy is to support and calm any areas of redness, irritation, or other pitta reactions is with fresh cilantro. Make cilantro pulp by adding water and cilantro and store in ice trays. After a hot summer walk or beach visit, apply the ice cubes on face and neck or any areas exposed to heat.


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